13 August 2008
Juno Olympics
Posted by nate under: games .
Olympic fever has hit Juno Ave. And yes, I am a gold medal contender.
Last night a dozen kids from the neighborhood ended up in front of our house playing tag. I myself don’t mind the running, but I’ve never been keen on touch so I abstained despite the pleading and puppy dog eyes of many an adoring rug rat. I also abstained because everyone else was half my size and under 8 years old and given my ‘nimble like a jersey cow’ nature I had a feeling that I’d totally bowl some unsuspecting toddler down to the sidewalk in a fit of tears and iwantmymommy screams. And I can’t imagine the toddler would fare much better.
But when it turned from tag to the 50 foot dash I realized I had a chance. I totally dominated. There was only one 2nd grader that came close to beating me and the one lone 8th grader who tied me. But the wee ones? I kicked their nick jr. butts. Sometimes to rub it in I’d skip instead of run just to show off my multi faceted track and field skills. Oh, and did I mention? I was in my crocs. Booya!
I am so gold medal material.