7 May 2010
Welaware Live(s)
Posted by nate under: music .
We may not be Knight Crawler, but darn tootin’ Welaware will be crankin’ out the hits on May 27th at the Star Bar. Mark your calendars now! We’ll be playing with Crazy Chester, the cover band that mysteriously started getting gigs when they replaced their bass player… that’s right, I was replaced. (per my request). Also playing that night will be Erik Ritland, a man with quite possibly the Twin Cities most handsome backing band. That would be Jake Brown and myself. Also playing will be the super fun and speedily rockin’ Gravity Always Wins.
Seeing as Welaware plays out once a year, you’ll probably want to be there. And if you have any song requests let me know asap and chances are we’ll do them. If there one of ours at least…