
-Room For Grace
-Toe on Tip
-Attract Me




When the family dog takes to the highway
In pursuit of the morning paper
and the bone tired crash by an altar
Like pheasants take to a bumper
Then I know there€™s still room for grace
Then I know there€™s still room for grace


When the office doors open at the days end
We come out to find that all the cars are gone
And the thugs are giving wallets to churches
While death row is writing home to mom
Then I know there€™s still room for grace
Then I know there€™s still room for grace


When the class clown€™s lighting firecrackers
Teacher screams he€™s got a bomb
Well we used to pretend we were outlaws
Not it€™s safer just to act like bums
Then I know there€™s still room for grace
Then I know there€™s still room for grace


When kids can€™t just be kids
When works no way to live
When church is just another way to save face
When you€™re watching your hopes burn
And there€™s no where else to turn
Then I know there€™s still room for grace





We were waiting to see if you would come
We were watching to see what would be done
We were hoping to see some sort of sign
We were waiting for a long, long, time


Was that you? I did not recognize you, I am so sorry
Was that you? I did not recognize you, I am so sorry
I know love is messy it€™s uncomfortable sometimes
I know love is messy it€™s uncomfortable sometimes


I was waiting when the beggar looked at me
I was watching to keep my clothing clean
I was hoping that she would go away
I was waiting for an exit line to say


You were waiting in silence for a kiss
You were watching the nails enter your wrists
You were hoping you would not be the one
No more waiting, now the whole world€™s come undone


Was it for me?  Did you recognize me? Now I sing your glory
I know love is messy, but it€™s comforting sometimes.
I know love is messy, but it€™s comforting sometimes.





2000 years before I was born I was dead yet I forget
what it means to be one of the lost I cling to the cross
I saw Jesus held on high with a criminal on each side
And I was there


And every toe was readied on tip
For just a word to fall down from your lip
And every breath was held on too
And every move that€™s made
Brings me closer to you


Death before life seems like reverse yet I rehearse
So I can live like my Jesus died true love crucified
Nailed him up like a wreath to the door come celebrate a new child is born
And that€™s me





Anchors cut, boat sets sail
Into the ocean steady gale
Out to sea, out of touch
This constant movement is my crutch


And it€™s not like we didn€™t know
this would come to pass
But now I€™m wondering if it will
Can we stop the motion of this mass


Pass the bread, eat some more
Keep your strength up for what€™s in store
Have a drink, pass it round
In these mysteries where God is found


Oh the only time I feel well grounded
Is when I€™m moving along with you
And when all my motion is confounded
You are present, you are here this is true


All aboard, come and see
Healing life for you and me
Out to sea feel your touch
Your constant movement is my crutch





I€™m the prostitute, that€™s fallen for you
I€™m the women pouring out the perfume on your feet
I€™m the tax collector, I€™m the vagabond
I€™m the way ward son falling into your arms


Jesus how do you attract me?
How is it you love me?
How can it be?


I€™m the infidel that can€™t comprehend
I€™m the broken vessel that you choose to mend
I€™m the doubt of Thomas that wants to believe
I€™m the way ward son in this homecoming


You€™re the love of ages, you€™re the pain restored
You€™re the hope that takes me where eagles soar
You€™re in Eden and Gesthamane
I left the first and the second set me free


















January 2025
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