Snowed out. Went out to the garage yesterday to work on the Vanagon and have been here ever since. I still can’t assure safe passage back across the yard. Been rationing a power bar I found in the glove box and using a flashlight to communicate with Jodi in the house using a crude form of morris code we developed as part of a premarital counseling exercise in 1999. Melting snow using my last match and some oily rags which served as last nights bedding. Will venture out at 9:30, may be rushing it but the caffeine headache is doing me in. Nate Houge February 21 2011. United by the Vanagon.
News for February 2011
if i don’t make it back to the house
Nice Buns and Booking
That’s right. You look at those and you say to yourself, “Wow Nate, nice buns.”
I’ve been baking a lot lately, challenging the quotable Jesus, “Man cannot live on bread alone.” I’m also trying to drop a few winter pounds. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Our camera’s been on the fritz and I know photos are essential to tricking people into reading so I’ve put off blogging for awhile. But now with a shot of my nice buns (the joke never gets old) I can see that you’ve been sucked into my typographical vortex. Suckers. I mean fan base. And Mom.
In my wordy absence I’m happy to announce I’ve got some great shows coming up in the next few months. For all the details checkout the Tour Page. For highlights:
The end of this month I’ll be on the bill with a veritable cornucopia of Lutheran artists as part of Lutheran Songs Today Live! I successfully weaseled my way on to this tour by co-writing a song with Jonathan Rundman. Yay for Nate!
In April I’ll be in the Fargo Moorhead area – I’ve got some openings in that schedule – book me!
And in June I’ll be on (drumroll) Bike Tour! That’s right, I’ve got two confirmed dates and a couple in the hopper. I tried doing a bike tour last year and it didn’t quite pan out. It was my bike tour by car tour. For this tour I’ll be playing at churches and coffee shops. For those of you tiring of liturgical Nate, this is your chance to hear me get my folk on.
And at the end of June I’ve been invited to join the Wild Goose festival in NC. For those of you sick of my folky side heres your chance to hear us get our liturgy on.
These are some pretty sweet shows and I’m honored and yes, giddy, that I get to play them.
Till then, lets have one more laugh together.
Nice buns.