good ethics gone bad

Because I’m such a bright and scholarly CHRISTIAN with a wonderfully mature and capable hand on the pulse of my vibrant and contagious faith it seems only good right and salutary that I should take the fledgling faith of our church’s high school souls under my eagle like wing, and raise them in the straight and narrow for one hour every Sunday morning.  That’s right, I’m a sunday school teacher. 

Last week we were talking about Bonhoeffer and ethics and the plan was to do a little role playing, watch a clip about Bonhoeffer, and talk about how Lutheran’s aproach making ethical decisions.  My ingenious conversation starter was to leave a dollar bill laying on the couch, come in to the room a little late so the kids had already arrived and then see what they had done with the dollar.  Kept it?  Asked who it belonged too? Put it in the offering?  Buried it in a field? 

So during church I went up and planted the dollar.  After church I hung out for awhile and waited for the kids to head on up.  All the little kids went up to their sunday school rooms but the high school kids just sat around waiting for me.  So finally I figured if we were going to have any class time I’d have to lead the way and we could all deal with the dollar together. 

So we headed up to our room.  And the dollar was gone.  Some mangy little kid must of wandered into the youth room on their way to their class room and snatched it. 

It never goes as planned!

But it always goes.

Posted: October 26th, 2007
Categories: edumacation
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