What Jonathan Rundman Means to Me.

Read more Jonathan Rundman

Since my last post I’ve been staring at my screen trying to put ideas into words for a writing assignment I was hoping to finish by noon.  After 10 minutes of staring, I checked some blogs – namely Jonathan Rundman’s.  It’s great.  His blogs are always interesting, thought provoking, and well written.  This latest entry is no exception – a great evaluation of walking the christian rock and roll line.

I’ve known Jonathan for quite awhile.  Early on he was a vocational model; a goal to aspire to.  His sticktoitivness throughout his career inspired me to write the song ‘Jonathan’ that will someday get the recording it deserves.  Even writing that felt like a stalker fan manouver.

But then I started playing more shows and eventually got to open for him a couple times and I realized that he is one of the kindest, most honest, encouraging, and optimistic performing musicians anyone could meet. 

Being in the indie Lutheran circle (a suprisingly large enigma) we ran into each other more and more often over the years and the admiration morphed into friendship. 

And it’s a great friendship.  And like any great friendship there’s never enough time together, never enough songs to sing, or rants to go off on, or CD’s to buy, or lakes to take the kids to.

So many of my friends work in creative realms that challenge them financially and often spirtitually, and it’s their friendship and allows me to do the same. 

I often wish God had called me to being an Insurance Salesman.  It seems like such an assured job.  And my little creative world that orbits upstairs is so full of doubting and second guessing and very unstable inside and out.  But instead of 9-5 and a cubicle my assurance is evident in these friends that surround me and inspire me and are incredibly patient and forgiving of me.  Thank God.

And now perhaps my mind and fingers are loosened up.  I’ll get a cup of coffee and get some work done.  Not claims adjusting, but work all the same.


Posted: April 13th, 2007
Categories: fact
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