Nate Houge Unplugged
Today I’m bustin’ my kids out of school and heading to North Dakota via the MN State Park system. Our Lady of Disrepair is all loaded up (almost). I bought an extra tarp and bungee chords in case of bad weather. I’ve got a guitar and a box of CD’s for Wednesday night’s concert in Walhalla. And as of this morning I’ve decided to leave the lap top behind. As much as I want to take advantage of the girls partying with Grandma while I get some work done, I’m realizing that everyday I get more attached to my digital world. So in an attempted act of detachment I’m cutting myself off. I’ll still have my phone (and my AAA card). But for the most part I’ll stick to pen and paper and catch up on some letter writing. If you’d like to get a postcard from ND e-mail me your address today (4-24-12) with Postcard in the subject line and I’ll see if I can’t get something in the mail to you. A little Ephemera to brighten your day.