Many Thanks and Welcomes

Hey folks checking out this site for the first time, welcome.  If we met yesterday at the festival of homiletics you may be wondering about the music we sang and my vocation.

For reference, here’s the bulletin:

FoH Bulletin

The first song, Holy Ground, is one I learned a few years ago.  I don’t know the history, but I know it’s simple, accessible and a wonderful way to start worship.

Christ is Coming is by my friend Richard.  Richard is an ecumenical liturgical mastermind.  I’ve had the privilege of getting to know him better over the last year and love his work with his wife Trish as River’s Voice.  You can here Trish sing this song here:,  and while you’re there explore a bit, load up on resources and book them to come to your congregation.

After those songs the rest is by yours truly.  The Psalm arrangement was written for the event and is mentioned in my last post.  The remaining songs are off my album, “Becoming Liturgy

With me leading were some of the Lutheran Church’s finest musicians.  I’ve known Jonathan and Rachel and Lowell since about 1997.  These are the folks that play the big National Youth Gatherings on the main stage for 20,000 youth.  I’ve played in their bands and they’ve backed me up before and I was really thrilled that they were able to join in.  Honored and grateful too.

Book them and check out their resources here: and  Lowell is serving as Sr. Pastor at Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita KS and is the drummer in the band Echelon.

So there’s a bit about the who and what of the service.

Before the service we were singing songs from my newest release, Reform Follows Function.  I’m pleased as punch with this album and was even more pleased when I sold 3o copies of it yesterday!

And that’s my job.  I go around and do concerts at churches and other listening environments, I lead worship services, I do workshops/guided conversations with other church musicians around the topic of ‘homegrown music’ and I try to do this often enough to pay for groceries, medical insurance and Vanagon repairs.

You can be part of this wonderful vocation!  Call me (612.269.9023), e-mail me ( , friend me on facebook, and book me for an event!

I love the work and the money needs me.

Peace. Nate.

Posted: May 20th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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